Bài viết chưa được phân loại

Department of Academic Affairs and Learners Management

– Advise and organize the implementation of training activities including building programs, learning materials, training plans, organizing and managing training for different levels and types of training: college, university, postgraduate, full-time, part-time, second degree, transfer and training courses… on the basis mission and vision of SFL.
– Advise and organize the implementation of students’ affairs: guidelines, policies, regulations, students’ management, award diplomas and certificates, educate students on political, ethical, and lifestyle qualities.
Leaders of Department

Dr. Nguyen Thi Dieu Ha – Deputy head, In charge of department
General management; directly in charge of the following tasks: admission, program development; professional work on full-time training and post-graduate. Manage staff and facilities of the department.
Email: dieuha.sfl@tnu.edu.vn

Nguyen Huy Hung, M.A – Deputy head of Department
In charge of transferring and extra-budgetary training course
Email: dtnns.sfl@tnu.edu.vn

Cao Viet Dung, M.A – Deputy head of Department
General management, plan the operation of the students’ management, report to leaders on dormitory management, consulting, supporting, starting-up; prepare monthly, quarterly and other reports related to the field of responsibility.
Email: dungcv@tnu.edu.vn

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