Bài viết chưa được phân loại

Faculty of Chinese Language

– The Chinese Language Department is a specialized unit at SFL, directly performs the tasks and manages the professional, academic, human resources, learners and facilities; deploys training, science and technology, takes responsibility for expertise in science and technology activities. – The Chinese Language Department helps...

Department of Science Management and Foreign Relation

The Department of Science Management and Foreign Relation has the function of advising and assisting the Rector in science and technology activities, domestic and foreign external affairs, and communication activities. Manage and organize the implementation of scientific and technology activities, develop orientations for scientific and...

Department of Academic Affairs and Learners Management

– Advise and organize the implementation of training activities including building programs, learning materials, training plans, organizing and managing training for different levels and types of training: college, university, postgraduate, full-time, part-time, second degree, transfer and training courses… on the basis mission and vision of...

Department of General Administration

The General Department has the function of advising and assisting the Rector in organizing and staffing work; legal work; equipment administration; security; administrative work, archives; emulation, commendation and discipline; information technology, library and learning materials development; building the organizational structure of SFL according to the...

Department of Inspection, Testing and Education Quality Assurance

Department of Inspection, Testing and Education Quality Assurance has the function of advising and organizing the implementation of inspection and examination activities and postgraduate examinations, education quality assurance, develop and implement education quality assurance activities at SFL-TNU. Coordinate with partners to organize HSK, Aptis International...

Administrators of School of Foreign Languages, Thai Nguyen University

Dr. Le Hong Thang – Secretary of Party Committee, Rector of School of Foreign Languages (SFL) – Lead and manage all aspects of SFL’s activities and work according to the functions, tasks and powers assigned by Thai Nguyen University; directly lead major and important tasks...

The Second VIETNAM-KOREA Friendship congress term 2020 – 2025

On the morning of October 31st, the Vietnam – Korea Friendship Association of Thai Nguyen held the second Vietnam – Korea Friendship Congress in Thai Nguyen province, in term 2020 – 2025. Thai Nguyen Vietnam – Korea Friendship Association (Vietnam – Korea Association of Thai...

The Spectacular 2020 Welcoming Ceremony for SFL Freshmen

Considered alterations to the conventional warm greetings and congratulations to the newly enrolled students to join the grand SFL family, the ceremony was held with a view to giving the K43 cohort the opportunity to acknowledge and keep updated with the activities of each club...